Monday, December 24, 2012

JumpStart Your Day

Here are a five ways to ensure that your day begins on the best note possible.  Even if you don't do all of them, if you do one or two, you will still be off to a great start.  Wishing you a positive, peaceful and productive day.

Say a morning prayer

For those who find it difficult to pray, this can be done in three stages.  First give thanks for the new day; then, for other people, wish for health and happiness; and finally, for yourself, pray for (or aspire to) the qualities that will equip you best for the coming day

Freshen up and breathe it in.

Throw open a window.  Breathe in the fresh air.  Even in winter, this is a very invigorating experience. Start the day with deep drafts of air and blow away the cobwebs that have settled on your well rested spirit in the night.  Even if you've had a window part-way open all night, this is a good way to get the air circulating freely.  Don't let bad weather put you off--rain or snow can be just as refreshing for the spirit as brilliant sunshine.  

Immediately after getting out of your bed, take many deep breaths.  As you breathe in, keep your chest still and push out your abdomen--as if you were blowing up a balloon in your stomach.  As you breathe out, drop your shoulders and imagine yourself squeezing out air, as though pressing water out of a sponge.  Do this for at least ten complete breaths.  As you do so feel the energy of the new day entering your body.

Drink lots of water.

Have at least six glasses of filtered, bottled or distilled water daily. This will help flush out impurities and prevent energy-sapping dehydration.  A lack of water can seriously affect the function of all our bodily systems, leading to problems such as dry skin, headaches and poor concentration, to name but a few.  If you opt for bottled water, do a mineral water tasting.  You may be surprised by how different they daste, depending on their source and the method of treatment.  Buy a number of different types and decide which one you prefer.

Stretch it out.

Taking time for a long stretch will do your body wonders.  Especially women of a "certain age," Even if you do just the basic body groups: stretching your arms and legs does wonders for getting your energy flowing.  On YouTube, I found several excellent videos for stretching the body, including one that shows you stretches you can do from your bed.  This is perfect for those of you who might need to get moving before you get moving--like me! If I don't do it first thing in the morning, it's likely not to happen.  Here is the video I found, but I would be pleased if you send me your favorite stretch routine and I will share it with everyone.

Be Grateful

We all have problems in our lives from time to time.  How quickly we overcome the challenges we face often depends upon our outlook.  Having a sense of gratitude for even the small things in our lives goes a very long way toward making room for more good to come to us.  So when we worry about our lives, we should begin to place our minds on others who may have lost their lives or lost a loved one recently.  Think about those women who may have lost a child in the womb, or a mother who will have to care for your ailing or impaired child for the rest of their lives...there are so many things that could happen to us.  The human condition is fragile and we have got to find ways to be grateful for what we have and for what we don't--for what we are and for what we aren't.  There are a lot of things we could have that we would never want and a lot of things we aren't that we would never wish to be.  Everything is relative.